Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The RESULTS are in.....

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hello everyone.  As the summer comes to a close, the Buckley clan are all healthy and strong in body and spirit.

Pausing for a photo on the trampoline

We spent several days in Denver last week completing the first portion of Dillon's One-Year post transplant follow-up (there were 2 tests that we could not get scheduled while we were there and had to postpone them until our October visit).  We have the next followup in October and then we move to an every 4-month Denver schedule with UNM being every 2 months.....the spacing of those visits feels like such a relief.

Dillon going into the bone scan machine on August 12, 2013

EVERYTHING is on track.  Dillon's bone marrow is clear of all cancer cells and it has transitioned to 100% donor cells including his blood type and the chromosomes....there are none of Dillon's old corrupt cells left....which means chance of relapse is very very low!!

Lungs, kidneys, liver, endocrine, heart, ears, eyes, muscles, bones, stomach, growth.....everything is within normal limits and continuing to improve as we get further and further out from chemo, radiation, transplant, and steroids.  His heart is stronger now than it was at diagnosis and he has begun to grow after not having grown in 20 months....now for the catch-up growth spurt :))

We are truly blessed and we finally feel like we are coasting on the downhill part of the strenuous mountain that has been our lives this past 15 months.  Of course, we still hit the occasional pothole in the road....but that is to be expected at this phase of the game.  A lot of the bumpiness is now emotional processing and healing for the entire family.

Keep praying for all the kids with cancer.  Since we left Brent's Place in February, five of our friends have earned their angel wings.....so please keep these families in your hearts and minds.

We got a surprise visit a couple of weeks ago from Bryan, Giovana, and Sophia (the Dallas Buckley clan).  The kids had a blast swimming and laughing.  Dillon and Sophia are only 6 weeks apart and they are two peas in a pod.  Even at the age of 12 and not having seen each other for months, they fall right back in together. The laughing that the pair of them do together is sweet and contagious.  They were laughing so hard at the county fair when we went to see a friend show her pig that they had the whole group of us in stitches.

Sophia, Dillon, Luca and Copper

School starts in 13 days.  Dillon will be an official middle-schooler in 7th grade and Luca will be in 3rd grade.  Both are excited and looking forward to the adventures that the school year brings.  Luca will continue with his cello lessons and Dillon is resuming viola with his teacher Shanti Randall.  The boys are both doing a golf camp once a week in September and October and then we switch over to basketball (Dillon) and hockey (Luca).  I will be employed this school year doing childcare for a friend and keeping my schedule flexible to accommodate our busy family life, medical followups, and any unforeseen circumstances that might arise as Dillon transitions back into the very social and germ-filled world of school and sports.


Luca teeing up at hole 1 this morning (8/20/13) 

Luca swinging a driver at hole 1 this morning (8-20-13)

Dillon putting on hole 4 this morning (8/20/13)

Boys chatting on the green...they are such good friends

Dillon hitting on hole 5 (8/20/13)

Luca tending to the flag for Dillon's putt (08/20/13)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I am going to start with photos.....



The blood work from Dillon's last visit in Denver finally came in and it revealed that his immune system is functioning at a level that can now tolerate being exposed to the environment.  He was/is so so so over the moon happy.  He is a changed boy.  He ran outside and took huge gulps of air.  He jumped on the trampoline with Luca and then went outside and played basketball (pictures above). Still, several days later, he puts his hand up to his face constantly (to adjust the mask)...but it is not there....habits become so ingrained.  He catches himself and laughs. 

A couple of poignant quotes from the day....

Dillon as he walked out the door to play outside....."I feel strange, this is weird, I almost feel naked."

Luca proclaimed in his ever so wise way....."My world just got a little bit better!!"

As we disposed of Dillon's remaining pills, Luca stated directly into the pill bottle....."You served my brother well but now you have to GO!!"

As promised, there was a ceremony around the mask disposal.....

Starting the bonfire.

Blaze is going strong
tossing in the nasty masks

see ya later masks!!!

they did not even burn....they just melted

I think that face says it all!!!

A couple of days ago it rained and I opened the windows in the house for the first time in over a year....Sean came home to the fresh smell of moist air in the house and he just cried.   Huge, powerful feelings over the simple things in life.  Ohhh the smell of fresh rain air INSIDE the house.

Yes, I still have to clean a lot....but not quite as compulsively (although with the windows being open there is sure to be more dirt ..thus more cleaning (hahaha).

It took 3 weeks to get the labs back that relieved Dillon of the blue burden (mask) and it seems impossible....but we are headed back to Denver this coming weekend to begin his 1-year post transplant appointments.

He will be starting school with his 7th grade class on September 3.  We covered most of the curriculum over the 5 months that we have been home so there is no real concern about him being behind.

You have never seen a middle-schooler so excited to start school....can you imagine :)))