Saturday, February 9, 2013
I just shared this with a dear friend and I thought it was so poignant that I wanted to put it on the blog......She asked me if things are crazy busy hectic when Dillon has appointment/clinic days and this was my response.
Things are very mellow
most days. That is one gift we have been given here in Denver. Me not
working, Dillon not in school....we have leisurely days for the most
part. We have hours of downtime (sometimes that makes us crazy), we
read, we play board games, we go for walks, we go for drives, we watch movies. But we
don't have the rushing around and the busyness that "normal life"
holds. I know it will creep back in just about
the minute we walk in the door at home...but for now I am enjoying our
unstructured, unscheduled, uncommitted time. I constantly search for
the little nuggets of gold that are sprinkled throughout this entire
process, although sometimes hard to find... this is one of them :))
I forgot to mention that Dillon gained weight this past week....YAAHHHEEAAA!!!! Pretty sure I forgot to mention this to Sean or my parents this week in the midst of all the other for those of you who are following his weight....he is back up to 33.7 (two weeks ago he was 33.1). The nurses gave Dillon a hard time that now he is going to have to stop eating every crazy high calorie thing in sight or he might end up on the chubby side of the scale. So today Dillon was busy walking up the stairs and playing basketball so that he could regain his muscle mass and his strength instead of just "empty pounds" :))
We got back a few of the lab results from the Wednesday clinic visit. First, his white blood cell count, hemoglobin, and platelets are perfect. People with cancer don't have perfect this PET scan scare cannot possibly be a recurrence...right????
One of the concerns I mentioned a week or two ago was his liver function. Both of the levels for liver functioning (AST and ALT for those of you who know what that is) are trending back down toward the more normal level....still not "normal" but much closer than they were in the past few weeks. Basically this means the doctors have taken "worry about the liver" off of the list of things for me to think about.....hahahaha. His blood pressure is also continuing to improve. Remember he discontinued his blood pressure med a couple of weeks ago and we had to see how his body handled it....well it is doing beautifully. As we continue to taper meds things tend to fluctuate as Dillon's body adjusts.
A week from tomorrow (next Sunday) Sean and Luca arrive via airplane for their final trip to PICK US UP AND BRING US HOME!!!!!
I'm sure the daily grind, busyness if you will is going to smack you once you're home so you'll have to be careful he doesn't overdue I'm sure. You mention Dillon gaining weight...are you referring to lbs or kilos'?? Not sure...marilyn