Tuesday, May 22, 2012
So Dillon had another uneventful day. Very similar to yesterday...so I am gonna talk about something else tonight.
The HELICOPTER. We have all seen the Life Flight chopper speeding around, and if you are at all like me, I always feel wonder at the technology of that system and then deep sadness and fear for whoever is inside.
The other night Dillon and Sean were sitting in the hospital room and suddenly heard the helicopter. Dillon loves helicopters and actually has one that he flies. Sean's Dad has flown RC helicopters for years and he is now teaching Big D about this hobby..now that he is 10 and can handle the technical aspects of helicopter flight. SOOOO this was pretty exciting . They rush over to the window and out of the sky suddenly appears the Life Flight chopper....heading straight for the window (or so it seemed to Big D).
Turns out the landing pad is right above us. We are on the 6th floor which is the top floor of UNM Children's but seriously the pad is above our room...well okay not RIGHT above, it is probably 20 feet over because right above would be on the very edge of the building...but still.....
So everyday the Life Flight comes in multiple times.....Dillon and I marvel at it flying straight at us and then suddenly...seemingly at the last minute.....above us. We hear and feel it land. We feel it stop running. We wait....wait...wait....and then we feel and hear it start up again and you can actually feel when it takes off, that instant when it is airborne, we can feel that and hear that. There is a change in the vibration and the sound of the rotors. It is really super cool.......HOWEVER
We sit and discuss during the time that we wait for takeoff, who must be in that helicopter, how scared and hurt they must be. We discuss wishing them well and fast healing and hope that they have family waiting for them inside the hospital . Remember, we are at the Children's Hospital so every single time that Life Flight lands, it is a child in dire need.
Dillon is also able to discuss his gratitude for where he is at in life. Of course he does....that is classic Dillon. He can say...at least I was not so sick to have to come in the helicopter all by my self. At least I can walk around and smile and talk and eat and some kids can't. One child has one arm here on the floor and he is so grateful that he has 2 arms and can do as he pleases with both of them. He also as the utmost sympathy. He feels badly for the kids that are here. I don't know if he does not see himself as one of them or if the is just so profoundly intuitive to know that they might be worse off than he and he is sad for them and their families for that.
So that is today's story. Sleep sweetly and we will see you tomorrow!!
We have seen those helicopters and it is both exciting and then sad to think of the journey they are on everyday.
ReplyDeleteNew Mexico is so big and the hospitals are so spread out, thank goodness there are helicopters and good pilots to bring children quickly to the help they need!
Maybe Dillon will want to be a Helicopter Pilot someday? At least for awhile, and then back to being a famous Viola-ist...is that how you say that?
Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
You are a cool kid Dillon. I appreciate your compassion your humor and your enthusiasm for life! That's part of why we like having you bop in and out of our family... Kevin
ReplyDeleteI don't know any of you but found your blog through a facebook page. I have had major tribulations with my own life in the last few months and I can't imagine if it had been my children. I don't totally know what you are going through, or big D for that matter, but I want you to know that through all of this, you will see the many blessings. The power of prayer is amazing and it is unreal the faith a child can have. I have added your son and your family to my daily prayers.
ReplyDeleteDear ones, take care. I thought UNM was a good place to be, and they took really good care of me.
With love from Santa Fe,
Dillon I'm following your blog daily and sending healing prayers your way. I'm your great Aunt Marilyn and your grandpa Tom is my oldest brother. Stay strong and know that we're all praying for you....
ReplyDeletehi dillon,
ReplyDeletehow are you? how is the food there? i heard you were running around with your iv next to you. sounds fun. i liked hearing about the helicopter. i have asked your brother how you are doing, he says you are good.can't wait to see you!!!
I my gosh Shari that is an incredible little story. Makes me wonder if her will be a pilot or a cancer researcher or some other thing, thanks for posting something so positive.