The whole Buckley Clan had a great, smooth, relaxed weekend.
Saturday Sean and Luca had lots of activities scheduled including Luca's weekly basketball game and then a jaunt out to Pecos for a refreshing pool party with the 5th grade (Dillon's class) Waldorf families. It was a farewell to one of our classmates (GOOD LUCK Luca and Edward (yes, another Luca)).
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Luca and buddy Thane...another shaved head to support Dillon |
Big D and I held down the fort at UNM. We relaxed, watched some TV, read some Harry Potter, took catnaps, played cards, ate healthy and a few not so healthy (can anyone say doughnut holes with peaches on top?) goodies.
Sean and Luca spent most of Sunday with Dillon. I ran some errands and took myself out to lunch. That ever so thoughtful and conscientious Luca was at it again. When I asked him if he wanted to go on errands with me and maybe get lunch together while Sean stayed with Dillon...sweet Luca came to me and said, "Mama, I don't want to hurt your feelings...I love being with you...but I really just want to be with Dillon today." How does a 7-year-old boy become the holder of such wisdom and knowledge; the ability to clearly articulate how he truly feels without anyone being offended or hurt in any way. I'm telling you, this child has a gift.
Sunday was a HUGE event for the Pickle. He got de-accessed (the needle portion and tubing removed from his port). The nurses declared that D had earned a 'holiday' which means he was allowed to go the entire day AND night without anything hooked wires, no tubes, no lights, no beeping or buzzing, no blood work at 4 a.m., no tube changing, nothing. Just pure sweet freedom. Big D took the opportunity to go for a longer walk than he has done in 2 weeks. He also took an honest to goodness bath...not a sponge bath, not a wipe your dirty feet with a wet wipe bath, but a full fledged sitting in the soapy water for half an hour and scrub it all off kind of bath. It was glorious....for both of us (hahahaha). I had been urging a bath all week but was met with much resistance. I caved each time figuring this kid is dealing with as much stress as he can possibly handle and there is no way I am going to induce an all-out melt down over a stupid bath. As soon as his tired and sore body hit that water, the moan of pure ecstasy that exited his lips was confirmation for both of us that we need to make this part of our regular routine. Soaked and scrubbed and polished....Big D declared that he felt refreshed and energized. He requested that we (Sean and I) wheel him down to the cafeteria so he could see what they had tonight and he could pick his food for himself. So off we went. I won't bore you with the food and the consumption of said food but just know that he enjoyed himself, was exhausted, and got to curl up on Mama's bed across the room from where he usually sleeps and read until he fell asleep. After about an hour he decided to get up, brush his teeth, go potty, and hop in his own bed. He is now fast asleep and I am enjoying the lack of the buzzing and bustling in the room this evening.
Holiday INDEED!!!!
what a sweet gift and sounding day. Glad he is clean. Thinking and praying about yu all the time. Miss you guys. See you soon.
ReplyDeleteuncle T
My heart just soared through the clouds with all the good news this post held. Nothing soothes me more than a bath so I know the moan and verbalization that goes with it. Fantastic Dillon got some freedom from the lines and that he got to go down to the cafeteria gives him a feeling of power over something...even if it's picking the food. Love to all. Aunt Marilyn and HotShot my Boston Terriorist!!