Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today Dillon was quite energetic and not nauseous at all....until bedtime.  We went on a couple of walks, he watched Olympics, we read, he listened to some music, he talked on the phone.  He hardly did anything over the weekend so his energy is better and his nausea has improved.

Dillon and Luca both got acupuncture yesterday afternoon.  We are waiting for the 24-hour post acupuncture mark to pass see what the blood counts are.  This morning there was no change, they are still high, but that was less than a full day after the session.  Also, the chemo makes Dillon's skin very sensitive so he could not tolerate as many needles and he could not keep the ones he did receive in for very our "results" may not be as impressive as in the past.  However, as above, his energy and nausea improved YEAH MELISSA!!!!!

Off to bed at almost midnight after a long evening of trying to control the nausea that did creep in this evening.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope the acupuncture works it's magic like last time. I see you have one of the salt lamps. It's quite soothing. Gramma had several in her house and I've one too. Missy runs one 24/7...Aunt Marilyn
